How Long is Red Wine Good for After Opening?—All You Must Know

Cover image representing the lifespan of opened red wine

In the world of beverages, few ethers grab the attention of the senses just like red wine. Evolved through the ages of culture and is popular for its flavor, red wine has become an emblem of sophistication, versatility, and the process of winemaking. The essence of wine is merged with every single drop and becomes a great combination in winter because of its distinctive character. 

Red wine contains not only a character of flavor but also is a powerhouse of antioxidants that have numerous benefits on our health. It is included in every celebration of our get-togethers and is gifted by conveying best wishes. But, many of us are confused about storing the red wine and raise a question like how long is red wine good for after opening. Let’s travel around this world and discover the hidden truths and its rich history. 

Factors Affecting Shelf Life 

The shelf life of red wine depends on numerous factors like refrigerator temperature, storage methods, and many more. In that list, let’s draw the major factors and have a brief discussion and generally, red wine is good for 1–3 days.

Temperature and Humidity 

The temperature of the refrigerator plays a major role in preserving the shelf life of red wine. In general, it is suggested to store them in the temperature between the range from 7 to 13 degrees and also prevent the air contact, which may lead to the oxidation process that results in the spoilage. 

You need to maintain the humidity levels to preserve the freshness of the wine, uphold around 70% of humidity in the fridge. This helps the wine from drying out and does not enter the air into the bottle, which holds the flavor and freshness of the red wine. 

Wine Type and Sunshine 

The shelf life of the red wine depends on the type of grapes that are used in the preparation process. There are numerous wines including the wines we consume to enjoy, and there are certain wines that help to reduce the aging in individuals. It is advised to avoid the exposure of sunlight to the wine because it may decrease the shelf life of red wine and have a chance of microbial growth. 

Storage Conditions 

Storing the red wine properly influences highly on the shelf life, and you need to care the methods preferring to store. Opt for storing the beverage in cool place instead of dry or hot place, avoid temperature fluctuations, maintain certain temperatures, and humidity level to increase the life span. Store the bottles in horizontally in the fridge, preventing the air into it. 

image representing a glass of red wine

Refrigeration Vs. Room Temperature 

Red wine is included even in a small event or celebration, but sometimes we may not complete the wine in a single attempt. Here, you need to store it for next drink, you should take necessary measures to store. Let’s have a comparison of storing red wine at room temperature and refrigeration. 

  • Storing wine in the fridge provides a sustain temperature and cool environment around 7–14 degrees, whereas, the room temperature may vary depending on the climate. Warmer temperature has a high chance of spoilage compared to cool temperature. 
  • The cool climate in the fridge helps the wine to slow down the chemical reaction with air and increase the lifetime of wine together with protecting the freshness. The room temperature is convenient if you consume quickly and decrease the time for the wine to reach serving temperature. 
  • Refrigeration is one of the popular methods to store for 1–3 days and preserve the flavor till the last drop of consumption and also reduces the oxidation process. While, at room temperature, there might be a higher chance for aeration process and spoil the wine earlier. 

Preservative Techniques

It is prescribed to adapt certain preservative techniques to increase the shelf life of wine and to enjoy the moments for next meet. But, some may not have idea about these strategies, so, let’s encourage them with our suitable notions. 

  • The primary technique involves storing the wine in the fridge and avoid temperature fluctuations, which occurred due to the frequent opening of the door. Maintain the temperature between 7–13 degrees and have a note of humidity levels. 
  • Close the mouth of wine with a wine stopper or vacuum sealer, ensuring that there is no presence and entry for the air. You can also fill the bottles with nitrogen or argon gas to create a protective layer that obstructs the oxygen entry into the wine. 
  • You should also store the wine in cool place and avoid the sunlight or other light rays like UV rays, which might increase the chance of spoiling. Also, avoid placing strong odor ingredients near the wine to prevent decaying of red wine. 
image representing a glass of red wine

Signs of Spoilage 

In the face of safeguards, there is still a possibility for wine to go bad, you need to know the signs to identify the spoiled red wine. It is necessary because the consumption of faulty wine is not appreciable and have adverse effects on your health. 

  • The easiest way to find the off wine includes the appearance, it turns to brown color and become darker due to the oxidation process. 
  • You can feel a foul smell or musty smell indicating the spoilage of red wine and the consumption may have negative impact on your health. 
  • If red wine shows the fizzing, it is a straight indication of fermentation and makes the drink unfit to intake. 
  • Consumption of red wine to check the spoilage is not appreciable, but if you intake it by mistake it has a sour or vinegar taste. 

Cooking Options With Red Wine 

  • There are countless varieties that can prepare with left over red wine, red wine reduction sauce is one of them. You can prepare by simmering process and can be used as a dip for many dishes. 
  • You can also prepare risotto to enhance the flavor of the dish and can be combined with pears, which provide a delicious taste. 
  • You can also prepare a delicious red wine chocolate cake by adding other additives and can enjoy your evening. 


Red wine is one of the drink that has the power to satisfy our taste buds along with numerous health benefits. Even doctors prescribe a glass of wine occasionally to enhance the heart health and protect from vascular diseases. But, we may not intake the complete wine in a single attempt, you need to store it properly for next usage. 

The shelf life of the red wine depends on various factors like temperature, humidity, and storage conditions. Lastly, you have discovered the answer for the question, how long is red wine good for after opening. Lastly, make a smart move in choosing the methods to preserve red wine and enjoy the flavor till the last sip of your glass. 

image representing a glass of red wine

Frequently Asked Questions (Faq’s)

How long is red wine good for after opening?

The red wine is good for 1–3 days after opening, if you store it properly by making necessary measures and increase the shelf life. It is advised to store the wine in the fridge and maintain the temperature between 7–13 degrees to protect from oxidation and bacterial growth. 

Can you drink red wine 7 days after opening?

It is not appreciable to drink the wine after 7 days because it may get spoiled due to the oxidation process and may lose its rich flavor. It is advised to consume the opened wine up to 1–3 days to avoid the effects on your health. 

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