How Long is Pepperoni Good for?—Shelf Life & Storage Considerations

cover image representing the shelf life of pepperoni

Made from cured meat, probably pork or beef, ‘Pepperoni’ is the most loved ingredient in pizzas and sandwiches. It is widely accepted as a pizza topping and also included to grace many more dishes with its light smoky flavor. 

It is prepared by mixing ground meat along with toppings such as paprika, garlic, chili flakes, etc. If you are a pepperoni fan, you must know how to store it properly, and how long does it lasts. It helps you to enjoy pepperoni with freshness and exact flavor. Let’s explore the ways to store pepperoni and understand its shelf life. 

How Long Will Pepperoni Last?

The shelf life of pepperoni can differ depending on if it is refrigerated or not. You may get it from the store in both ways. Obviously, the use-by date and best-by date will be mentioned on the packet to inform you about the usage. 

Unopened, unrefrigerated pepperoni will last for up to 3 weeks on your kitchen shelf. If you want to keep it for more than 2 weeks, it is better to transfer it to the refrigerator. Refrigeration will extend the shelf life of pepperoni. 

PepperoniRefrigerator life
Unopened, unrefrigeratedOne month after the expiry date
Unopened, refrigerated1 week after the expiry date
Opened1 to 2 weeks 
image representing pepperoni pizza slices

Shelf Life of Unopened Pepperoni

What helps pepperoni to stay long is the curing process. It is important to understand the shelf life to enjoy the flavor of pepperoni. There are some factors that can affect the storage life of pepperoni, both directly and indirectly. 

Storage: Use airtight containers or bags by removing the excess air to keep pepperoni, so that it can prevent air exposure and other contamination to protect it from bacterial growth and spoilage. 

Temperature: If you are consistent in keeping the temperature, it helps the pepperoni to last for more than you expected. A cool, dry place away from direct light can do better for it. 

Nitrates: These are preservatives that help in a longer life span of pepperoni. They can prevent bacterial growth and mold formation.

Use-by Date

You know that there are several brands and varieties of pepperoni available, hence it is important to check the expiry dates on the packet to understand the duration of use. It will help you enjoy a good quality variety. 

How to Store Unopened Pepperoni?

Pepperoni is cured, and well-preserved to beat any temperature. However, attention should be given while storing it regarding temperature and storage to extend the shelf life.

You can keep unopened pepperoni bought from a store at the same temperature as it was in the market. If it is in the refrigerator, try to store it like that, otherwise, it may lose consistency and get easily spoiled. The cool temperature can act as a barrier, protecting from spoilage due to sudden temperature variations. 

Freezing unopened pepperoni is another feasible option. In a freezer-friendly container or bag, pepperoni will last for up to months. Once taken from the freezer, you are not allowed to keep it again inside. Thaw it in the refrigerator and store the leftovers in it. 

Proper hygiene and storage are crucial to prevent cross-contamination and air exposure, to extend the shelf life. 

image reprseenting shredded pepperoni

How to Tell if Pepperoni Has Gone Bad?

Are you confused with the quality of an unopened pack of pepperoni that has been with you for a long time? Don’t worry! A bad pepperoni will show you some signs to tell you that ‘Do not use me’!

Discoloration: The usual color and texture of pepperoni might be familiar to you, but be attentive to the color change after the expected time of usage. It may indicate spoilage of pepperoni. This happens when it is not wrapped properly. 

Mold formation: If you can find a mold formation inside the casing of pepperoni, throw it away.

Slimy texture: Spoiled pepperoni can exhibit a slimy or dry texture. Fresh pepperoni is firm in texture, but not too dry. Dryness and slimy texture, both can be signs of spoilage.

Off-Odor: An unpleasant smell or rancid smell from your pepperoni casing clearly indicates spoilage and is not suitable for consumption. 

If you notice any of these signs in pepperoni, throw it away in the trash. A spoiled pepperoni can cause foodborne illness. Do not rush to fix that it is not edible, examine carefully and check whether you can use it by removing a small portion.

Shelf Life of Opened Pepperoni

Do you know why opened pepperoni easily gets spoiled? Due to the continuous air contact. Even if it gets contaminated at once, it will affect the entire stick or slices, leading to bacterial growth and spoilage. There are certain factors that can affect the shelf life of opened pepperoni. 

Air Exposure: Air exposure in opened pepperoni can affect the overall flavor, texture, and shelf life. It promotes bacterial growth too. This may lead to a shorter storage life. 

Moisture: Opened pepperoni can absorb moisture quickly, leading to spoilage due to mold formation.

Losing Freshness: What happens when a pack of pepperoni is opened and restored in the refrigerator? Gradually it will lose its firm texture, color, flavor, etc. As long as you keep an opened pack in a refrigerator, it may lose its quality and freshness. 

image representing a football pepperoni


Consume the leftover or unopened pepperoni pack as soon as possible, instead of thinking of a very long storage life. Because it can help you enjoy the exact flavor for a short time. 

How to Store Opened Pepperoni?

Whatever you do to store opened pepperoni, you won’t feel that sufficient. Don’t make it a mess by trying everything and leaving it incomplete. To keep it fresh and flavorful for a long time, try

Airtight containers: Reducing air contact in every possible way is good for your leftover food. A clean, dry, airtight container can protect your food from air and foreign particles entering. 

Divide into equal portions: Instead of putting the entire stick into a container, try dividing it according to your needs to avoid air exposure. 

Refrigerate it: Refrigeration is the only option to keep opened pepperoni fresh for a long time. Keep a consistent temperature inside (below 40°F) which can slow down any changes happening to it.

Original Package: Keep the original resealable package of store-bought pepperoni to keep it in the refrigerator. This will act the same as an airtight container by protecting it from air and bacterial contact. 

Freeze it: For a long shelf life, try to freeze pepperoni. It will last for up to 3 months without changing the flavor and texture.

Try These With Your Leftover Pepperoni

You can treat yourself with a pepperoni touch in every dish. 

  • Omelet topping: A scrambled egg or omelet, which one is your favorite? Whatever it is, you can try mixing it with crumbled pepperoni, though it is slightly aged, and enjoy snacking. 
  • Mix veggies, diced pepperoni, nuts, etc. to make a little weird but crunchy salad!
  • A thick layer of sliced pepperoni can match your cheese sandwiches well.
image representing shreeded pepperoni

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I eat slightly aged pepperoni?

You can include slightly aged pepperoni in foods like pizza, pasta, stew, etc. While cooking, it may regain the flavor and texture. But use your signs before to make sure if it is spoiled or not.

Do I need to cook pepperoni every time?

If you are buying a pre-cooked pepperoni, until the preparation demands, you do not need to cook it again. But some people may prefer to eat it warm and fresh every time.

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