Is Applesauce Good for You?—Nutrition, Health Benefits, and Potential Allergens

cover image representing the health facts of applesauce

Applesauce is a delightful food product and versatile. Most people have been preparing it for many years. It is usually made by blending apples into a smooth purée. 

A wide variety of apples can be used to make this delightful dish by adding ingredients like lemon juice, sugar cinnamon, or any other spices to enhance the flavor. 

Applesauce can be certainly enjoyed in different ways. It can be used as a dressing for salads, smoothies, and desserts. It can be consumed by itself or can be served with meats and vegetables based on your tastes and preferences. 

Consuming apples daily is nutritious. But, there is always the question, Is applesauce good for you? This article represents the nutritional and health advantages of apple sauce. 

Nutritional Composition of Applesauce

Apple sauce has a rich nutritional profile. It is a good source of vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber content. The fiber content present in the apple sauce keeps you complete by enhancing your digestive health. 

In general, apples are rich in sugar content, which is natural sugar present in the fruit. It is always advised to consume foods that are composed of natural sugar content while maintaining a balanced and healthy diet. 

Apples are usually sweet because of these natural sugars. However, there will be high sugar content in sweetened varieties due to the presence of high fructose corn syrup. 

It is always advised to consume natural sugars rather than added sugars. But, it should be consumed in moderation. 

Nutrients Per Serving

Nutrients present in a cup of unsweetened apple sauce are listed as follows:

Sugar content24 gm
Fiber content2.9 gm
Carbohydrates28 gm
Fat0.4 gm
Protein content0.6 gm

Apple sauce is composed of a good amount of quercetin. It aids in boosting the immune system and tends to fight against viral and bacterial infections. 

image representing a bowl full of apple sauce alongside some apple slices

Unsweetened applesauce is also rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin A, potassium, calcium, and magnesium along with the above-listed nutrients. 

Applesauce Vs Apple

A comprehensive analysis of the nutritional value of both apples and applesauce is explained below. 

Caloric content: The caloric content of apples is 52 calories, while applesauce contains 42 calories per 100 grams each. 

Proteins: The protein content of apples is o.26 grams, while applesauce possesses 0.17 grams of protein per 100 grams each. 

Sugar: The sugar content in apples is 10.4 grams, which is almost equal to the sugar content of apple sauce, which is 9.4 grams per 100 grams each.

Dietary fiber: Apples are a great source of dietary fiber with 2.4 grams which is more than 100% dietary fiber present in apple sauce is 1.1 grams per 00 grams each. 

Saturated fat: Apples are composed of 0.03 grams of saturated fats, while 0.01 grams of saturated fat in applesauce. Both apples and apple sauces have less saturated fat. 

Apple skin is rich in fiber content, so when apples are consumed with their skin, it would be beneficial for overall gut health. It helps in relieving digestion problems.

To get these health benefits, it is not always necessary to consume whole apples or peel them, instead, you can opt for apple sauce. 

Added Sugars and Sweeteners in Applesauce

Commercially produced applesauce is composed of various additives, higher sugar content, and other preservatives to enhance its flavor. 

These store-bought apple applesauce products containing higher fructose levels tend to increase health complications.

Better to choose an apple sauce with less sugar and minimal preservatives for maintaining a balanced diet.

Consuming higher sugar content can result in type 2 diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases.

On the other hand, homemade apple sauces can be made with less sugar and keep you healthy as it is rich in nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants. 

image representing a bowl full of apple sauce alongside some apples and its pieces

Potential Health Benefits of Applesauce

With low caloric content and higher nutritional value, applesauce possesses a wide range of health advantages that are listed below, 

Supports a Nutritious Diet

It is found in a study that regular consumption of apple products possesses less sodium and fat content but is rich in magnesium, potassium, and fiber content tends to keep you healthy. 

Lowers the Risk of Chronic Diseases

Although various studies have suggested that consuming apples can help fight against various chronic diseases, it is still unclear whether applesauce has the same health benefits as consuming apples. 

Additional research should be conducted to examine the facts of applesauce consumption along with its implications on chronic diseases. 

In general, applesauce is versatile with less caloric content, making it an essential ingredient in various savory or sweet dishes. 

While maintaining a balanced diet, it is always suggested to add apple sauce to your diet to keep you full of fewer carbs and high fiber content. 

Does Applesauce Calm Down an Upset Stomach?

One among the four key components of the BRAT diet i.e., bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast, applesauce usually possesses less fiber content and is easily digestive by keeping you full. 

To fight against gastrointestinal diseases, apple sauce has become a traditional dish that has been used for many years. 

While you are suffering from any digestion issues, it is always suggested to follow a BRAT diet by eating bland foods like plain applesauce. 

Always keep in mind, that sticking your diet to only these foods for a longer period might not be helpful for the body as it may not provide all the essential nutrients that are required for your body. 

You should add some other foods to your diet along with applesauce to be healthy. 

image representing a bowl full of applesauce alongside an apple and cinnamon

Considerations for Different Varieties

People with more sugar cravings can opt for sweetened apple sauce. However, unsweetened applesauce can be consumed to maintain a healthy diet. It can be prepared by basing on your tastes and preferences. 

Applesauce can be served based on your dietary needs and taste. To enhance the taste of apple sauce, you can additionally add various ingredients like cinnamon, mixed fruits, and other additives depending on your taste. 

While you opt for less sugar intake, you can prefer homemade applesauce or sugar-free applesauce options from the grocery store. Preparing apple sauce at home will allow you to have control over the list of ingredients used while making it. 

Potential Drawbacks or Concerns

Applesauce possesses several health advantages when consumed in moderation. On the other hand, regular consumption of apple sauce has certain drawbacks which are listed below

Low in Vitamins and Minerals

Apple sauce should be consumed along with other vegetables and fruits while maintaining a healthy diet, as it possesses less amount of minerals and vitamins.

Some of the commercially produced apple sauces add vitamin C to maintain their color. Even homemade sauce might have vitamin C by adding lemon juice to it or any other fruits which possess vitamin C. 

Particular Brands Are High in Sugar

Store-bought or commercially made apple sauces are rich in sugar content due to the addition of high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, and other additives to enhance their flavor and long-lasting. It tends to lower the nutritional value.

You can always choose an applesauce that is made out of low-calorie sweeteners like sucralose, stevia, and saccharin from your nearby store to moderate sugar content and intake of calories to maintain a healthy diet. 

Not as Satisfying as a Whole Apple

Even though apple sauce has been extracted from whole apples, both of them vary in their nutritional value.

Consuming an apple as a whole possesses several health advantages with high fiber content resulting in keeping you full and satisfied. 

In addition to this, whole apples are a good source of fiber when compared with applesauce.

According to a study, people who consume apples as a whole have experienced of being completer than those who have consumed applesauce or apple juice.

an image representing a bowl full of applesauce alongside apple slices

The Bottom Line

Applesauce is the most delicious and delightful purée prepared from whole apples that can be served on its own or can be served with various dishes. It can offer similar health advantages to whole apples as it is made out of it by adding a few more ingredients to enhance its flavor. 

The nutritional value of apple sauce usually depends upon the preparation methods, sugar content, preservatives, and other additives. It can be used in a balanced diet which keeps you full and satisfied with higher fiber content. It aids in preventing chronic and cardiovascular diseases. 

To meet healthy eating standards, it is always suggested to consume unsweetened applesauce. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is applesauce good for you?

Applesauce has a lot of health benefits because it provides all the essential nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins. The processing method may have a certain impact on the nutritional value when compared to that of a whole apple.

Which one is good Apple or Applesauce?

Both Apples and Applesauce have their benefits. Apples can give you a good amount of fiber, whereas applesauce can be used in any baking recipe, which also provides you with a certain amount of vitamins and minerals.

Is it good to consume applesauce for an upset stomach?

Yes, the only packed food that is good for your upset stomach is applesauce. Because it is mild and easily digestible, it can reduce your stomach ache and help relieve diarrhea. 

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