Is Cabbage Good for Diabetics?—All That You Need to Know

cover image representing cabbage

Leafy vegetables are always on the good food list, which provides loads of benefits to us in different ways. They are also included in many healthy diets, considering their benefits. You may like cauliflower, broccoli, and other leafy vegetables and may also have tried it in different dishes. But how about cabbage?

Cabbage may not be your personal favorite. But you know, it can be a good option for people who have diabetes. The nutritional profile and benefits of cabbage can contribute more to managing diabetes levels. Moreover, statistics show that diabetes is growing worldwide and people are behind dietary options to manage this health condition, which includes consuming cabbage along with a balanced diet. 

Is cabbage good for diabetics? You must be thinking the same. This article will clear your doubts on the role of cabbage in a diabetes-friendly diet.

Low-carb and Low-calories

If you are looking for a low-carbohydrate and low-calorie ingredient in your diet, cabbage is the perfect choice. Though it is low in calories, the water content helps you feel fuller after a meal and helps in weight management. Furthermore, low carbohydrate nature helps to not impact the blood sugar level after consumption. 

If included in a diabetes-friendly diet, cabbage can also help in glucose level control with its low-calorie properties. 

Fiber in Cabbage

The dietary fiber content in cabbage helps in controlling blood sugar levels. There are soluble and insoluble fibers in cabbage, which helps in slowing down sugar absorption, which in turn helps in managing blood sugar levels. As a fiber-rich food, it also helps manage glucose levels. 

Dietary fiber always helps in keeping you feeling fuller after a meal. This can be connected with diabetics who are concerned about their caloric intake and overall food intake. It can also help in providing a healthy heart by lowering the cholesterol levels. 

Benefits of Cabbage

Typically, cabbage contains:







Vitamins B, C, and K, and is also a good source of other nutrients. 

  • vitamin C helps in maintaining skin health and immune strength. It also acts as an antioxidant, which protects cells from damage 
  • vitamin K helps in bone health and blood clotting, which is also important for diabetics. 
  • Potassium helps individuals with diabetes to manage their blood pressure and helps in maintaining heart health.
  • Cabbage helps in regulating blood sugar levels.
  • Helps in reducing cholesterol
image representing a bunch of cabbage


Both the vitamins C and K act as antioxidants in cabbage. These two help in different ways, such as reducing oxidative stress and regulating inflammatory effects by lowering the inflammation level. The polyphenols and other antioxidants in cabbage help in protecting the body from damaged cells. Anti-inflammatory properties can also help in reducing cardiovascular problems.

Different Types of Cabbages and Their Benefits

There are many varieties of cabbage, which can add versatility in your meals and also provide many health benefits. 

  • Green cabbages are a pack of leaves filled with vitamin C and K. It contains many nutrients and minerals. Moreover, it is available widely and used in many culinary varieties. 
  • The white and purple varieties of cabbages contain hypoglycemic components, which lower the blood glucose level.
  • White cabbage is added to salads, rolls, sandwiches, etc. 
  • Red or purple cabbage is rich and dense in taste and leaves. It may help in dealing with cardiovascular diseases. 
  • Another popular type is Napa cabbage, which is a Chinese variety of cabbage, and different in taste than white cabbage. It provides vitamin A and K in abundance.
  • The different colors of cabbages can indicate its variety of nutrient contents. 

How to Incorporate?

Whether you cook it with any other ingredients, or just add it as a topping, cabbage can change the flavor of your dish and make it healthy too. There are many options for you to try your favorite recipe with cabbage. Sauté, boil, steam, topping, etc. and anything can be done, and you can include it with smoothies, stew, soup, rolls, fries, salads, etc. 

A fresh cabbage salad can be made along with cucumber, peppers, tofu, or chicken, or turkey, and add herbs according to your taste preferences. Use the oil of your choice, and follow all those individual health preferences to get a healthy cabbage meal. 

Coleslaw and Sauerkraut

These are two popular cabbage dishes. If you are fond of these dishes, try to consume it in moderate quantities, and prepare them with ingredients that are low in calories and fats.

Sauerkraut undergoes fermentation while prepared, hence it is healthy for gut functioning due to the presence of good bacteria.

Be careful while adding sugar, salt, and other additives. 

Pair both the dishes with vegetables or meat varieties as per your taste preferences.

image representing a pair of cabbages

Considerations While Having

Though cabbage provides several benefits, if not consumed in an adequate quantity, it may cause diarrhea. It can be constipation depending on the amount of food consumed along with it. 

Individuals with thyroid variations are recommended to not eat cabbage and other leafy vegetables. It may result in iodine level changes and also produce goiter.

Some people may experience problems in digestion after consuming cabbage. It may not be suitable for people with digestive or gastric issues. 

Wrapping Up

Cabbage, while consuming a moderate quantity, can be diabetes-friendly, and can also be a perfect choice for a balanced diet. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties help to attain several benefits for diabetics. 

You have many options available to include cabbage in your diet, but make sure the dishes are prepared by considering your health and diet preferences, and enjoy it with all the goodness.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I have cabbage if I have type II diabetes?

Cabbage contains several nutrients, and it is low in carbohydrates and calories. Hence, it is healthy to include in a balanced diet for type II diabetes patients. 

Is cabbage good at reducing cholesterol?

Cabbage reduces the level of absorption of LDL cholesterol. The fiber content also helps in reducing cholesterol levels. 

Which colored cabbage is good for diabetics?

Cabbage is good at reducing and managing blood sugar levels. Red cabbage is popular for its properties which helps in reducing sugar level. Moreover, Napa cabbage with more manganese and vitamin C helps in reducing sugar levels. 

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